Wednesday, August 14, 2019

And Now, We Wait...

Finishing touches around the house to prepare for Baby E's arrival...
There's no painted nursery, no color scheme, but still a perfectly sweet little nook all her own for a fifth baby.
We went with a mini crib this time around.  Our babies don't generally stay in the crib beyond a year and a half or two years and we think this mini crib will be perfect (same size as a pack and play).  A friend gifted us with a brand new one, and we feel so loved.  We bought a thicker mattress, and since the bed is the same size as a pack and play, sheets weren't so hard to find.  The lovey in the corner is handmade by another friend and the Copper and Pearl blanket in the front is from my cousin - it's so soft. 
I stopped at a random surplus store the other day after Natalee's PT and lo and behold they had a new mini crib skirt for a steal so that was the fun final touch to dolly's little set up.

All ready to bring home a little love.  Darling stretchy car seat cover from my cousin and a finger knitted car seat blanket from our friend, Ellie.  The car seat itself came from another friend/cousin.  Have I mentioned how blessed we are?

We also got the gift of this rocker/bouncy seat from yet another friend.  This little house is ready.  We have Aunt Kea's rock and play in the closet and Aunt Lauren's halo swivel bassinet for beside my bed for awhile.  The clothes are washed, the Tummy Tub is ready, and our hearts are prepared.

And now.....we just wait.....

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