Monday, July 1, 2019

32 Weeks + Baby's Name Meaning {Baby #5}

Time marches on and as it does I get rounder and rounder and rounder.

We had a good check-up today with Dr. Martin.  Turns out I'm still pregnant 😉.
It's a hot, sweaty, swollen time of year and that doesn't exactly go hand in hand with being this pregnant but I'm trying to make the best of it and not complain too much.

Doctor's office selfie.  I'm not doing so great with the belly shots this pregnancy, probably because there's very few days I feel "fixed up" enough to take a picture.  Ha. 

Therein lies Baby E. ↓

Sometimes I have to take my posse along to my appointments.  I trust the older two to sit nicely in the waiting room and read/play iPad but I take ornery 1 & ornery 2 into the room with me.  They are, overall, good little souls, and usually they get to squeak a few minutes of iPad time out of the deal, although today I did have to interrupt my time with the doctor to correct Zayden from using the word stupid.  Sigh.  He's been on a streak lately.  Pray for me.  😛

Dr. Martin let my two little assistants find baby's heartbeat today.  I don't like to show my tummy on camera so you'll just have to listen.  Mia, who aspires to be a doctor after her adventures last summer, now wants a fetal doppler to add to her real tools doctor kit.

Some baby kicks from June 17th:

And hiccups from June 30th:

We are 98% sure we have settled on baby's first name.  A few have caught me calling her Baby E, E being the first letter of her name, although, as a friend pointed out E is also the 5th letter and she is baby #5. 
Baby E's first name means, simply, desiredWanted.  We've made no secrets about the fact that Baby E came to us as quite a surprise.  What we want her to know, is that, no matter how surprised we were, God never was, and because she is part of His perfect plan, she is part of our perfect plan.  She is desired.  She is wanted.  By Him, and also by all 6 of us.

We are between two middles names for this little darling, and last week I presented the idea to Mike to use them both.  He's still chewing on it. 
One name means favor or grace.  The other name means beautiful one who is loved by all.  How do we choose?  Many of you will scoff at the idea of two middle names.  The good news is she's not your baby. (wink - opinions to yourself, please)

{Baby name meanings vary by site and origin.  We try to find the origin of the name and use it's original meaning when possible.  Behind the Name is the site I most often frequent.}

As many of you know, we give each child a life verse, that is tied to the meaning of their name.  Five kids in and we still put a great deal of thought into names, meanings, and life verses.

We think that Baby E's verse will be taken from the New Testament, from the gospel of Mark.
People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them.  When Jesus saw this, he was indignant.  He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."  And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.
Chapter 10: 13-16

Why this popular story for Baby E's Bible verse?  Won't she "outgrow" it? 
Never.  None of us should outgrow this passage of Scripture.
May she always remember to worship as a child - freely, wholly, uninhibited, in every piece of her daily life.  May she always know God wants her {let the children COME to me}, and that she is given the favor of his blessing.  We pray she always accept the gift He offers her. 

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