Wednesday, February 20, 2019

What's One More? (announcing #5)

We plan, God laughs.

That said, we have news...

Bless all of you who have refrained from asking me if I'm pregnant or just gained weight.  As it turns out, both are true.  (Eating my way through my feelings of a hard 2018 turned out to be a bad choice.  But that's not the point of this blog post.)

*We* thought we were done with the baby stage.  Sleepless nights, teething, anxiety, worry...we potty trained our last this fall and we did REJOICE.  As it turns out, God's plans were not our plans and now we are looking forward to one more round of baby laughs, first smiles, midnight snuggles, and milestones.

We are honored that God thinks we can handle five.  Though unexpected to us, this baby is wanted, loved, and part of His perfect plan.  Of this we are certain.

Also, we tried to do cute announcement pictures with the kids and it turns our kids are uncooperative beasts.  LOL.  Their faces pretty accurately depict their feelings about adding one more to the chaos.
Zayden cried because his words washed off in the shower so his dad wrote his name on his feet for him...because what you learn when you get more than a couple is to let the little stuff go and live for the moment.

First appointment today...little swooshy heartbeat.

Dear #5,
We are loud.
We love Jesus, like a lot
We are kinda weird.
We like being together, which lots of people find strange.
We are imperfect.
We live humbly.
We are part of a beautiful village of large extended families and the sweetest friends.
We think you're gonna love it here.
Welcome to our journey.

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