Friday, February 1, 2019

January In Photos

January was long and cold and hard.  But we survived.  Because God is good.

Happy New Year!

'tato head

A really random sunny day meant this guy found mud.
morning snuggles...

story time with Grandma...

Sorting by letter and sound!
always wrestling...


warm days from a week ago are gone...piles and piles of snow!

She made contact with the cement wall while sledding.  Ouch.


Sensory play in the kitchen...


Family game night!

puzzle play...

kids in the kitchen...

Martin Luther King, Jr. chalk pastel drawings...

ninja turtle!


School time...

pointillism with melted crayons...

Another game night...
and yet another...
too cold to sleep upstairs so camping out in the office...

alphabetizing books = school

Time to upgrade the electrical box!

Ending the month with more water play in the kitchen because it feels like winter will never end.

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