Saturday, February 16, 2019

February 10-16th

We started the week with a Sunday PJ movie night.
This was daddy's week of nights so he stayed on campus all week.  We muddled through the best week could and stayed as warm as possible through the ice!

Zayden sent daddy off to work for the week by slipping into our bed early Monday morning.
Chelsie, Melissa, and I hosted Story Hour at the local library and we had a great turn out.
Our theme was Love You, Love Others, Love Nature...
We finished the audio book Sarah, Plain and Tall and watched the video that goes with the book.

PJs & Play-Doh for ice storm day!

Look what Zayden built!

Each kiddo got a chance to sleep with me one night since Daddy was gone. 

Daddy came home Thursday night with new games!

We had our Valentine co-op party Friday, which was a perfect way to end the week, especially since Daddy was with us.

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