Friday, February 15, 2019

Valentine's Day 2019

Valentine's Day 2019 was a success. 
We had school and a day at home on the 14th, but intertwined a few fun Valentine-y activities into the day...

Xavier made a delicious chocolate cake and frosted it with chocolate peanut butter frosting and we all had some for dessert...

These two played like best friends, which was particularly endearing.

And Aunt Penny stopped by with Valentine's and a sign for Mia with her catchphrase on it.

It was also 40 degrees during the morning and early afternoon and the children got to play outside 2 different times and soak up all the fresh air and run off lots of energy.  This mommy was so grateful.

The homeschool co-op party was the 15th and it was a resounding success.  We did a free form social party with different activities set up and just let the children pick and choose and eat and visit.  

A Donny pail for Zayden...

A rainbow bucket for Mia...

An oven box for Natalee...all her idea and mostly all her work.

And a truck box for Xavier - he and daddy worked hard on this!

 We had a Bingo station, play-doh table, STEM station, coloring station, cardboard brick building station, a couple of games set out, and I did Minute to Win It games (although I got distracted frequently and left my post).  We also set all the boxes around 3 eight foot tables and let the children deliver their Valentine's.  I think we ended up with 40 kids, 6 babies, and a roomful of teens who played games.  46 valentines x 4 kids was a lot of valentines to fill out!
There was a TON of food and the kids had a good time picking and choosing their treats to eat.
Minute to win it heart a stack...
Play-doh station...
Food and games!

I missed a picture of Natalee and her friends. #momfail

We had eye appointments after the party so the kids had to wait until this evening to go through their valentines.  It's so fun to watch them go through all the little notes and treats.

There were valentines from Papa Curtis and Grandma Num in the mail when we finally got it tonight.

Daddy was gone at work all week so having him home for the party was such a blessing.  It makes the load so much lighter for me to just have him alongside.  I told him I didn't want flowers.  He brought me dairy free peanut butter brownie ice cream - such a smart man.

Happy love day to all of you and yours.

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