Friday, July 6, 2018

Summer Preschool - Camping (Week 5)

This summer I hosted a summer learning experience for preschool age children.  I did it in our home and took 8 kids, plus my 2 preschoolers.  My big kids were enlisted as helpers.  We ran 2 hours in the morning, 2 days a week and filled those hours to the brim with learning and fun.
We had to juggle the schedule of weeks a little, because Mia got sick after our very first day but everyone was really understanding and we had such a good time!

Week 5 was Camping Week.
(July 3 & July 5)

"Cutting" our wood for our campfires...
Adding the flames...

Making AB patterns using marshmallows and paint...
snack time got pretty relaxed - feet up and all...
After everyone left on the first day of the last week, my kids used the leftover paint and marshmallows to free paint.

Camping BINGO!
Camping trail mix - everyone brought something to contribute.  We passed the bowls around and children got to serve themselves and choose what they wanted in their mix.
A matching cut/glue activity.
Color matching.
Last day pictures with the teacher!

Summer preschool was a lot of work and a lot of fun.  We consider it a huge success!!

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