Monday, July 9, 2018

Mia and Zayden During Ball Season

Ball season is tough when you're the younger sibling.  Mia skipped as many games as possible with her sickness, but when both big brother and big sister are playing there's still plenty to go to. 
They did their best to ask anyone who would listen for food stand snacks, no matter how much food mom packed.  Nannie was always a pretty willing participant in their schemes...
Zayden developed a love for sunflower seeds (unshelled) he's showing off his ability to transform into a walrus.
I kept sidewalk chalk in the van for the away games that had cement to play on. 
Some games were perfect, some were mere survival, and occasionally mom would drop these little angels off with an auntie, grandma, or papa and slip away to watch ball all by myself.

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