Friday, June 2, 2017

Beeler Ball Babies

Our younger two kids are troopers.  Zayden had an especially great week at the ball games and was such a good boy, sitting in the wagon and listening so well.  Ameliya pushed some buttons but ended on a positive note, which is terrific!
Thursday night, Grandma Num saved them both and kept them home so they had a break from doing games 4 nights in a row.  
Zayden's mode of operation is to eat apple slices and play with Hot Wheels in the wagon.  Perfect!

Ameliya is also happiest to be eating the entire time and is quite a diva.  She struggles to realize that the attention during the games isn't on her.  We're working on finding her a way to be happy.  It might be PB&J. Ha!

This is how we roll....Poor little buddy.  Just enough butt space to get to the field and then I unload and he has the whole wagon!
This wagon (and the detachable umbrella) has been a huge help to me this year!  Chairs, cooler, diaper bag, and kid all fit!
 Hey handsome!  What a good boy you are!
 And you're cute to boot!
 APPLES!  The snack of life!
 Another diva in glasses - what a treat for AJ and Theo (+ their parents) to come to the games tonight!
 Hey, little stud, in your cool ride! 
Only 4 weeks of ball games left!  We can do it!

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