Sunday, October 9, 2016

11 months old {Zayden Samuel}

He's busy all day, ornery as all get out, but quick with a love. 
He's crossed the threshold from "baby" to "little brother" and Mia has started 'tattling' on him.  As it turns out little brothers can be a pain!  Ha.  See how handy he can be?
He's got only 30 days left before he's the big o.n.e.  He's adorable, beloved, and full of salt and vinegar!
He hates shoes and socks, isn't fond of sleeves and pants, and doesn't like hats.  Winter should be a delight.  
Watching him toddle is as adorable as watching him bear crawl.  
He's also started nodding and shaking his head.  He throws in a "nuh uh" when he shakes his head - stinking cutie.
He's our Zayden Samuel and life would certainly be dull without him!

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