We successfully closed out our first week of baseball this week and the kids (as suspected) are having a blast.
Tuesday was our kick-off game and it was quite cool out. Thankfully the wind died down before the game and that helped a lot! Xavier left feeling a little discouraged at needing to use the tee for both of his hits but he was determined to improve and do better next time. I'm constantly amazed at his "go-getter" attitude...he runs after every ball, every time with limitless energy.
Natalee had a little trouble focusing at her first game. She did well but ran the bases sporadically. I think other parents might think we're hard on our kids, but when we know they understand a rule/concept/etc. we expect them to carry it out, no matter where we are. This means Mom is going to correct you if you don't run from 1st to 2nd base without taking pit stops and side bars (wink).
Her first hit was killer - a pop right from the first pitch - and of course I missed it on video! Her second hit she had to use the tee but there's not much that gets her down! She loves the game and loves being outside.
Our 2nd game was tonight - Friday night fun! Again, Xavier hustled after every ball, and as promised improved his hitting and didn't need the tee at all.
{our little hustler!}
He's so skinny.
Natalee did well following the rules and concepts she understands
(smile - meaning she ran from base to base without sidetracking!), also didn't need the tee, and enjoyed playing pitcher the 2nd
Look at her be ready! Yes!
We love these kids and because of that we love this game.
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