Monday, May 18, 2015

15+ weeks {baby #4}

I had my first OB appointment for baby #4 today.  They confirmed I was indeed expecting...ha ha.  It's not that I don't take my appointments seriously but this time around I definitely feel "old hat" about things.  
I am feeling well.  Most of the nausea has passed and I'm waiting for my energy to return (will it!?).  I have had terrible nagging headaches the last week or two and am planning to get back to the chiropractor to see if he can help.  It feels like neck tension causing the headaches - likely very unrelated to the pregnancy except that I always have trouble keeping my alignment in my neck and lower back/hips when pregnant.
We are thankful every day for this life.  After next month's appointment we will schedule our ultrasound.  We will be finding out if this is a brother or a sister (I'm hopeful that we have a cooperative sweetie!) and intend to let the older kids help announce it. 

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