Sunday, February 2, 2014

32 Weeks with #3 {and cute pics of #1 & #2}

32 weeks...

Technically 32 weeks is 8 months.  Technically a pregnancy is 10 months, not 9 and anyone who tries to convince me otherwise is a big 'ole liar.  40 weeks/4 weeks a month = 10 months.  Period.  As a roly poly pregnant lady, it's easier for me to make my mind set on this now than convince myself in the last month that those final 4 weeks are just "bonus fun."

(Don't look at the cluttered dresser behind me - I don't wanna hear it!)

My handsome/beautiful #1 & #2 babies before church this morning:

1 comment:

Shonya said...

Adorable! You, N, and X!!!:)