Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Starting Small

Are you interested in making some healthy changes in your home but aren't sure where to start?  Not interested in shopping online?  Don't want to spend a lot of extra $$ on your already strapped grocery bill?

A few tips from a mom who has been there (okay, I'm still here!):
  • Look at the changes as an investment...healthier life choices will hopefully lead to less medical bills, less sickness, less long term health risks.
  • Make changes a few at a time...see below for my list of easy things to start with.
  • Keep your eyes, your ears, and your options open!  Order from health websites with a friend(s) to share shipping (many give you free shipping if you order a certain amount!), etc.
  • Don't be afraid to ask questions!  Do you think any of this comes to me naturally?  Very little of it!  The only thing that comes naturally is my fierce desire to raise my family healthy and naturally...the rest I'm learning as I go!  I'm constantly texting my family friend, Breanna, our babysitter and friend, Lora Jean, my sister, Lauren (to get the scoop on what she's learning!), calling my mom to see how to make something from scratch.... see a theme?  I'm always asking questions, constantly bugging someone, and learning everyday!
Here is a list of the specific changes we started making to become a healthier home.  These are easy things to start with...you can do these!
  • Cut out food dyes (flip the box and read the label, starting at the bottom...when you see Red 6, Yellow 5, or the phrase "artificial colors" stop reading, put the box on the shelf and walk away!).  This includes soaps, shampoos, etc.
  • Change your deodorant.  Go aluminum free!! 
  • Switch from imitation vanilla to the real deal!  Tastes better and is so much better for you!  I'm excited that a friend is making me some REAL vanilla right now...it's sitting on the shelf doing it's thing as I type!
  • Cut back on sugar.  If you think you can, do a couple week sugar fast...you'll be amazed at how much less you crave it after the fast.
  • Start cutting out preservatives.  Start with MSG, BHT, BHA...there are healthy alternatives to lots of products out there that don't include this yucky little preservatives in them. 
  • While you're going aluminum free in your deodorant, consider doing the same in your lotion and your baking powder!  That's right...I learned this weekend that some baking powder has aluminum in it!  NOOOOO!  Why anyone thinks it's a good idea to put aluminum in things I'll never understand.  I want to meet the guy that was standing around at the baking powder factory when they decided to throw a little shaved metal in the mix.  I know, I know...I'm dramatic!
Okay, those are enough changes to start yourself with.  Don't feel overwhelmed.  You will make mistakes.  One bite of meat with MSG in it at a family reunion won't kill your kid (it might make her naughty but that's another post!).  Do the best you can.  Pray often...and hard.  Keep your eye on the vision of a healthier future for you and your family.  And feel proud of yourself...you are doing great things!

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