Thursday, February 2, 2012

First Hour Long Therapy Session

Tonight was Natalee's first hour long therapy session.  She had a piggyback PT/OT session.  I'm grateful the gals are considerate enough to try this instead of asking us to stay two different nights...although we would stay (of course!) I feel bad for Xabe on those nights when he's playing the waiting game!  Natalee did well.  She had one little meltdown, I think from being overwhelmed & not being able to express what she wanted.  It was right at the beginning - she ran in, got on the trike and took off but when it was time to pedal out the door she broke down in tears.  I couldn't get her to express why she was upset and crying but I went along while she road her trike and she did fine.  When we talked about it later I *think* I got that she didn't want to go without Miss Meagan on her trike ride.  She has formed an attachment to Miss Meagan.
After the trike the team worked on throwing and catching.  Natalee doesn't track the ball well and her OT pointed out tonight that she uses her peripherals a lot, especially when catching.  The finally switched to rolling the ball and Miss Meagan helped Natalee and then went to throwing and catching a balloon.

Natalee also got to jump on the trampoline and climb up the slide and go down.  Though these things sound "easy" to most children her age, they are difficult for Natalee.  Balance and motor planning are a huge part of why she goes to therapy sessions!

Natalee switched to OT after the PT activities and got to catch fish with a fishing pole, play hide-and-seek (visual discrimination - picking items out of a busy field), and write on the white board.  Natalee loved that Miss Jennifer let her take a turn at being in the dominant role (after Jennifer hid the cones, Natalee got to be the hider - after Jennifer was "teacher" at the white board, then Natalee got to be "teacher"). 
I expected a very very tired girl tonight after an hour of therapy but she actually wasn't as worn out as I've seen her before...perhaps because there weren't as many PT activities this time or maybe because she's getting some stamina.  She did, however, go upstairs after shower, supper, teeth, etc., before Mike or I said it was bedtime and yelled back down, "who will tuck me in??"  So she was pretty tired!

Thanks Meagan, Megan & Jennifer...we appreciate you!!!

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