Monday, February 20, 2012

Ice Cube Trays

This post is brought to you by a "why didn't I think of that?" moment!  Ice cube trays are an ingenious method of play.  Better than egg cartons because they don't flip over when you bump the lid (a frustration for Natalee).  Cheap (2/$1 at the Dollar Tree).  AND versatile!  I can't tell you how many times the kids have gotten these out the last 2 days and sorted, filled, and dumped the items from our craft bins in them.  Ice cube trays...who knew!?

Tired boy!

Of course she sorted by color.  Sometimes you have to let her stay in her world where things are safe and the same!  Another day I will drag her out of her safety net and we'll do something different with the pom poms and trays...maybe a "salad" of different colors in each slot!  But for today, for this activity, it got to be her way.  And she did GREAT!

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