Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sensory Smart Sleep

Around a month ago, Xavier began to flat out refuse to sleep in his crib.  Scream, cry, gag, repeat.  Natalee always asked to sleep in his bed so one night out of sheer exhaustion I switched them.  And like a magic charm they both slept and went to bed without crying.  So...we left them.  Night after night Natalee slept in the crib and Xavier slept in the day bed with the pretty flannel sheets and purple comforter.
But, alas...all strange things someday have to come to an end and I decided it was time to get the 3 year old out of the crib.  Obviously, it wasn't a possibility for the 19 month old to go back to the crib so that meant it was time to take it down.  (*insert mama's tears).  The daybed Natalee is in has a trundle so that is what we decided to put Xabe on and as the fellas (Mike & Phil) started making the switch I tried to explain to Natalee what we were doing.
She took it much better than I thought but had a lot of anxiety about not having the crib.  While I think she liked the "security" of the crib I don't think she could rest as well as possible in it because it was such a small space.  As we talked, it hit me that maybe if we switched the placements of the beds so that Natalee's bed was where the crib was that she might feel better about it.  So we took her upstairs and explained to her what the options were...she seemed very happy to be back in her daybed in the place that the crib was.  This, of course, required a little more work for dad but he graciously did it.
Bed time was a breeze and both settled right in.  Here's hoping the sensory smart arrangement makes it through the night!


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