Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Love Grows Best

I don't know if it's the hours upon hours on snow covered roads that we've spent these last few days or the fact that I just got done re-reading the Little House series (I know, how old am I? but they are my childhood favorite!) but I've been thinking a lot lately about my own little house.
I've heard it said many times that love grows best in little houses and sometimes I really think that's true. In our house there is no "alone time" unless you really seek it out. There is no "playing in your room" or "getting out of my hair". We are underfoot of one another all the time. And truthfully, that's okay. We've learned to adjust ourselves to that and even enjoy it. And though sometimes I get frustrated with the seemingly wall to wall clutter, I really am grateful for my home.
By the Little House book series standards it's a mansion--with really glass windows, a door that locks, 2 water closets with indoor plumbing...not to mention the appliances and electricity! I mean, I have 3 whole levels of space and we have a bedroom that is separate from our children's! We're blessed!!
By my standards it's a fine little house, too--here are some of the little oddities that make it unique and some of my favorites about it...

My little spice nook right by my stove. Although it doesn't hold all my spices it holds the ones I use the most (who I am kidding?...my mom only taught me to use garlic salt and onion powder!) and it's such a cute little door.
My GIANT drawer. Whoever built this potato/onion bin was planning on storing goods for the entire town. However, I couldn't justify using all that space for my measly 10 pounds of potatoes and 0 pounds of onions (we hate onions!). But I COULD justify using it as an excuse to not ever organize my plasticware again!! Oh sure, once in awhile Mr. Husband gets on a tangent and organizes them (see the lid drawer?) but I NEVER do. And if I ever build a house it will have a giant drawer just like this!!

My new bedspread. First thing I see when I top the stairs and it makes me smile. I also LOVE that our bedrooms are upstairs which frees up all the main level for living space. And I can hide my clean but not put away laundry much easier!

The kids' bedroom. One year later and I still love the paint. And their matching beds. And that they are very close to me but not in my room. By close I mean *very* close. Not down the hall...more like 10 paces forward. But it works for us, uses the space we've been given, and technically our kids sleep in their room (for the most part).
(by the way...YOU tell Natalee Christmas is over...until you try don't judge me for still having a tree in their room!)

My closet...by far not the largest closet Mike & I have ever had but it works. We store LOTS in there besides clothes. The infant car seat, hiking backpack, suitcases, ironing board/iron, etc., etc. It's full but functional and after growing up in an older house without closets I'm VERY grateful for this space.

Our master bathroom. It's just really nice. It's spacious and airy and makes me happy. The tub has jets, the toilet has a privacy wall (insert smile--come on, you know you want to), and there is plenty of room for our hamper and extra supplies...kleenex, toilet paper, etc. AND, I love that the kids have their own bathroom downstairs which really only matters to me because it means my tub is free of toys & baby wash!

And most of all I love the people that fill this house. Because, although we may trip on each other and skitter-scatter toys over the floor when we walk I truly believe that home is where the heart is and my heart belongs to them...

I'm not a blogger game person so I'm not going to "tag" anyone, but if you're reading I think it would sure be fun for you to blog on the quirks that make your home work for you. Or that make you smile. Or scream. Your favorites...or not so much. Give it a shot! We'll look back someday and these memories will make us smile!


Diane Melvin said...

I loved this post. I may try to give it a shot. Thanks for sharing.

Navman64 said...

A small house has its positives, but also has its negatives. When we have family come and stay it's some sleeping on the floor here and some over there and some over.....You get the idea. But we love it and it does make us closer. Enjoyed your post. There is always time to grow in size as long as you grow in love at the same time.

Shonya said...

Love the post, and I love the way you count your blessings (the secret of contentment!) rather than coveting something someone else has.

Corin said...

Great post Jenn. I love our little house too. There are very few things I would change about it.

Andrea Frederick said...

2 years later this post still makes me cry.

Lori said...

Umm, will have to think on that one!!!