Sunday, January 30, 2011

Big Girl Bed

Guilty mom moment...I just looked over the last few posts, including the one I just did for Xavier's dedication and realized there hasn't been a Natalee update in awhile. So many things are happening in her life, too, that I thought I'd better catch up.

Natalee's vocabulary is just like a miniature adults. She says anything we say and more! She's truly a child that's always listening...a while back while in a check-out line the person in front of us cursed and she repeated that word 5 minutes later in the car. ACK! She truly didn't know it was naughty because we really just don't curse around here. So, we're working to fill her head (and mouth!) with The Word, instead of wordly phrases she hears in check-out lines. Her first Bible verse that Daddy chose for her to learn is Matthew 22:39, "Love your neighbor as yourself." She does pretty well and will have it down in no time!
big girl ponytail with her hair all pulled back!

Natalee's also getting to have an opinion about everything...which is endearing and frustrating (until I remember that she's 2!). On the things that she can have an opinion on we let pink coat or brown (PINK!), red socks or purple, one ponytail or two, and what color bow (GREEN F'W'OWER!). We're trying to give her more responsibility, which helps with the 2 year old woes. And most recently we're try to break the little whine that's tagged itself onto her voice. WHOA!

The other day I looked at her and realized she's really growing up. She can climb up and down on the furniture, understand what I say, and knows how to mind (I didn't say she made good choices all the time!). It's a bittersweet surrender, letting her have these freedoms that mean she's moving from toddler hood into a preschooler.

One of the biggest "big girl" things happening in this house is that we moved Natalee from her crib/toddler bed conversion into a big full sized bed. She LOVES it (thanks, Aunt Penny, for the mattresses!). We LOVE it, laying with her & reading books, snuggling for awhile, and just knowing there's 2 big beds in the house (funny, we might be growing up, too!).
last nap in her little bed

First night in the big girl bed!
Natalee's still holding onto 2 big 'baby'isms...diapers and pacifiers. We're working on them and will have them phased out by summer...and then she'll be all grown up (tear).


Andrea Frederick said...

she is growing's such a shock to me if I haven't seen her in a couple of days! i love hanging out with her, my favorite age!

Shonya said...

Love that she's learning God's Word! What a cutie, and two is such a fun age. Enjoy, while always keeping an eye to the future! :)

Lori said...

I must say I am impressed with the bed set!! Also it is fun to see them grow-grow-grow, also fun to lay with them in their very own bed!!!! Way to go Mommy!!

Leslie said...

Big beds are big steps!