We have been having a lot of trouble getting Xavier to swallow baby food from the first time we introduced it. I'm working with an occupational therapist friend (former co-worker) of mine that specializes in sensory integration techniques (b/c I really thinks it mostly a sensory defense) and we are making some slow headway. He's able to eat a couple TBSP a night with little tears and gagging.
However, while looking for tips the other day on the internet I came across this comic and initially dismissed it because it had nothing to do with the information I was looking for...
But something the pediatric cardiologist said to me last week has stuck with me and is really rubbing me the wrong way (so you get to hear my beef) & I realized it kind of went with the comic so I retraced my steps and found it again.
Let's back step a minute...when at the doctor for the kids' wellness check-ups the pediatrician picked up on an irregularity in Xavier's heartbeat. The short story is that she referred us to a pediatric cardiologist to follow-up with it and it turns out his heart gives an extra beat every 6 seconds but since he has no blue spells we need not worry about it at this time....
Anyhow, while at the cardiologist's office he was doing the health history and asked how often he nursed or how much formula he drinks a day. I told him he takes upwards of 40 oz of Gentle formula because I was unable to keep a supply to nurse and he's have a resistance to solids that we're working through. And do you know what he told me??? That 40 oz. of formula was too much and I needed to cut him off at 32 oz. and then make him drink water. WATER!
#1--He's a baby.
#2--Bite me (oops, that was rude).
#3--He's BABY.
#4--No way in the world that he would drink a bottle of water...NO WAY!
#5--HE'S A BABY!
When I questioned it he said, "Fat babies make fat adults." Well, as a heftier adult I take offense to that (okay, I was a fat baby, too, but not ALL fat babies make fat adults...it's lifestyle, parenting, genes).
I just keep thinking about it. So what, he's a little chubby. I wonder if I'd told the doctor I nurse him for 1/2 hour every 2 hours what he'd have said? I know formula has more calories than breastmilk--trust me, it wasn't my first choice, but water? Seriously?
Don't get me wrong...as far as a cardiologist we actually really liked the doctor, and I didn't really argue with him about the water because I get to play the mom card and disregard his advice. But I will say that I was shocked that the recommendation was given for a 6 month old to drink up to 2 of his bottles full of water a day. And I don't agree. This is a perfect example, though, of, while Mike & I believe that doctors have their place and we are grateful for them we also believe we know best for our child and the ultimate decision rests in our hands.
And my chubby baby boy is still happily chugging his 4 oz. bottles every 1 1/2 to 2 hours! (Although, he has cut himself down a little because 2 nights ago he started sleeping through the night!!...GO XABER!
hehe this doctor wouldn't like me at all, would he?? :) YAY for mommy cards!!!! i like fat babies cuz fat makes their brain great!!! without that fat their brain wouldn't get what it needs! and i honestly think there is NO connection between fat babies and fat adults. just my humble opinion ;)
This really surprises me. You nursed Xavier for quite a while and I've always heard that breastfeed babies are fat babies, but much less likely to be obese adults. Case in point the very skinny Colby Frederick. I realize he's not an adult yet, but do you remember how big a baby he was? And now he's practically skin and bones. I don't even really feel like Xabe is that big of a baby. Doctors are fallible just like the rest of us. I just don't think this doctor knows what he's talking about in this area. Besides if Dr. Lobbe didn't say anything to you about this I'm guessing she didn't see a problem with it. I know she's told us Levi needed to get above a certain amount of milk, but I don't think she ever told us an upper limit.
I also wonder what he would have said if you told him you nursed. I have no idea how much Ellie eats and I always figured it didn't really matter as long as she was full and happy at the end of the day.
Go ahead and play the Mommy card. :) Not to say that water would hurt him but if he doesn't like it there is no way to force him. He is obviously thriving and developing.I wouldn't think too much on it. I think we can all agree that I was an....ahem "larger" baby, and other than being a giant I don't feel that it has followed me into adulthood. Squeeze the kids for me.
Love, Lauren
Okay, Lauren after reading your comment I really did Laugh out Loud. I agree though I do not remember being a fat baby but I am no small person now.
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