Sunday, March 7, 2010

Flip Flip...

I do not remember this much activity with Natalee at almost 23 week pregnant. I'm sure she was busy, but I also know for a fact that she was a calmer (lazier) baby than this one! This little man also sits much lower than Natalee did. Natalee was in my ribs...this little babe is in my "gut." It's just a totally different feeling...

If you saw my Baby Countdown to the right this week it reads that the baby is busy with workouts and playing somersaults. I laughed when I read that because it is sooo right. No particular time of the day...just anytime, all the time, often. In comparison, Natalee was usually very calm when I was teaching--up and walking around in my classroom. Not this guy...I can be in the middle of a spelling lesson and he'll deliver a swift kick to the gut! Did I mention he's sitting lower than I'm used to? (translation--nearer my bladder!).

My babies are opposite of the wive's tale that a fast heart rate = girl; slow heart rate = boy. Natalee was always slow...130-140. This little man is so fast compared to hers...160-180. It's fun (and scary) to think about what that means about his personality. Sometimes when I'm reading books or snuggling with Natalee, little brother kicks and jumps around. She notices, but I'm not sure what she thinks...perhaps that mommy has some bad indigestion!?

What started out as a terrifying journey is becoming more and more real. I'm getting excited to think about what lovely friends my 2 young children shall become and what a wonder it is to watch our little family growing like this before our very eyes. I'm struggling already with thoughts about treating each "fairly" but as I was trained in my special education schooling I must remember, "fair and equal aren't always this same." Keeping in mind individual needs, love languages, and personal feelings is where I am determined to focus my attention...not making sure both kids get a treat at the store or that this 2nd dear one has all the exact things our firstborn got.

It's a thrill and a privilege to be on this leg of our journey. We are now crib shopping and double stroller shopping (translation=tax return is coming & that's what we budgeted part of the refund for!). Natalee is also getting a bigger girl booster seat for the kitchen table as she will be giving her high chair booster to the baby. She's keeping her crib, however, as we bought it with the intention of it following her to teenage years and will do the same for this baby.

Fun things to come...did I mention I'm "sewing" creations now? Nothing too big--a burp cloth here, receiving blanket there...maybe some curtains!


breanna from glimpse said...

LOL i'm totally with you! i don't remember the baby causing me pain at 5 months pregnant with lizzie. this pregnancy is totally throwing me for a loop!!! trying not to think about it or panic about how my world is going to be flipped upside down. lizzie has been such an easy kiddo!!!!
have fun shopping!!!! totally jealous! we don't "need" anything. :/ so shop for both of us!

Bree Shaw said...

so glad that you are getting more and more excited. all of my pregnancies were different too. just goes to show that each child is their "own" person! i can't wait to meet this little guy. need any help on BOYS??? i might know of someone that has a few:)

Corin said...

My pregnancy is totally different this time too. You're totally ruining my theory that, that means it's a girl though because sounds like we are having similar experiences and yours is a boy. I sympathize with the low riding baby this time. I swear Levi wasn't this low until the week before I delivered, it kind of freaks me out.

Andrea Frederick said...

how pregnancies were totally the same! and i had opposite genders:) glad you're enjoying it!