Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Making Gains

Oh my Natalee...the leaps and bounds you are coming these last couple of weeks. You have finally figured out that you can talk...and you do. You are a little hard to understand--you have a little dutchiness to work out--but your words are so pleasing to our ears. Here is a list of the words/phrases I can think of that you are saying...
  • utsat? (what's that)
  • Lorn Lorn
  • mommy
  • dada
  • mmm, good
  • yum!
  • doe, doe, doe (no, no, no)
  • oooooo (moo)
  • quack, quack
  • Pop-Pop
  • uv ya (love ya)
  • ca (car)
  • tuck (truck)
  • cacker (cracker)
  • eyo (hello?)
  • grammanumanum (Grandma Num-a-Num--Gma Cindy)
You are also signing, more, dad, mom, milk, and a few other things. Daddy is your favorite sign and you always want to know where he is!

You are trying to repeat all kinds of things that we are saying. Every time you ask "utsat?" we try to label what you are asking about and it's paying off!

You are also getting soooo close to walking. You can stand for long periods of time all by yourself and walk with a push toy or with help from hands. You're almost there, girly! We're just waiting for you to put on that brave face and go...and we know once you do there will be no turning back!

You are starting to understand "jokes", like offering a bite of food to daddy and withdrawing it the last minute, blowing in our faces, and "getting" us--tapping or grabbing our clothes in an effort to tickle and wrestle. You kiss your hand but haven't gotten down the "blow" part of the kisses...you love to be outside and stand at the window when it's rainy or not time to go out just watching and looking.

Lately you've been come a bit of a mama's girl...and mama doesn't mind so much. However, you are starting to recognize your aunties and uncle, cousins, and grandparents as safe faces and loved ones and enjoy them so very much! And of course your daddy is still your hero and all you have to do is bat those baby blues and he melts!

When you are tired you lay right down, with little to no fussing. Lately you sleep with Scout (still!) and with one or two flannel butterfly blankies mama gave you (from my first sewing adventures), and of course a paci. Often you go to sleep with one color of paci and wake up with another...we still haven't figured out where you stash them! You've been sleeping like a champ for 10-11 hours at night and rarely wake to get out of your bed to snuggle with mama and daddy anymore. You still nap 2 times a day at a couple hours each time. You also eat like a grown man and have adjusted to dairy free living beautifully. Gone is the runny nose, most of the rashy skin, and much irritability.

And so, pretty lady, we are grateful for you each and every day and so proud of the gains you are making. Keep up the good work, pumpkin.



Corin said...

Talk about a growth spurt. Maybe not in size but in abilities. I feel like I'm not going to recognize her next time I see her. Congrats on all the new talents, I love that all the first, so fun.

Bree Shaw said...

i love how you document all of this. your kids will love it someday!

Anonymous said...

Such a smart girl. Knowing her she'll probably go straight to running and skip walking altogether. She told me "cookie" the other day too! :)
