Friday, March 26, 2010

Little Helper

Ug, today I was asked to do a Parents as Teachers interview from the parent's perspective and I fear what I said will make my child sound stunted, and underdeveloped...and will make me sound like a dull, clueless parent. You know those moments you have when you are saying something and know it's not coming out like you want but can't fix it? Here's the scenerio...
I'm giving this interview and the guy asks how PAT has impacted I'm telling him how our PAT lady always has age appropriate and skill appropriate games for Natalee and always goes over milestones with us, etc. And I mention something about how nice it is to always have someone in your corner when you are concerned about a potential delay...and he asks what kind of delay, and you see where this goes. So now my child who talks like a dream and will walk someday (right?) is going to show up in the paper less than stellar...
in my defense I was hot, working actually really hard, wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt b/c it was casual Friday, and unfocused...but still...
So please don't judge me when you read it...I didn't mean it Natalee. I know you are stellar and super and all things wonderful. This video proves it...

Thanks for helping Daddy unload the dishwasher while I made supper...and thanks Daddy for being soooo patient and doing every piece of silverware individually so your helper could feel so big and important! Good job, team!


Bree Shaw said...

don't worry about it:) i think the pregnancy hormones are making you think too much.

Shonya said...

Oh Jenn, do yourself a favor and let go of that right now--your children are their own people and it just really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. There truly IS. NO. NORMAL.

Spoken by a truly weird person, giggle

Seriously, I hate labels. HATE them. And our society thinks we can't live without them. shudder

Corin said...

I'm with Shonya, who cares what that guy thought or what he writes on paper. We all know Natalee is doing things at her own pace and will be just fine. He's never even seen your child in person. I'd have a serious problem with anyone who would judge that she is delayed based on one short conversation with you.

breanna from glimpse said...

i heard an awesome quote this week. "normal is JUST a setting on the dryer!" i LOVE it! there is no normal. only the normal we create for ourselves based on no one else. :D
natalee is such a doll!!! brings back so many memories with lizzie. she LOVES unloading the dishwasher still. :)