Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Uninspired Tuesday

Props to my husband who took care of the house last night while I went to bed at 7:30. I'd been to the doctor and turns out I have a yeast infection...I won't go into detail but let's just say--never had one, let it go to long (writing off the symptoms to "pregnancy symptoms), and had myself quite a mess...
so while my fever was raging at almost 101, Mike shooed me away to shower, take my meds, and collapse. And I did. And I feel better this morning. He did however leave me the gift of this laundry to be folded...
but that's not why I took a picture of it... (because truly I don't mind a little laundry and am grateful for him doing the supper, dishes, bath routine with Natalee)...

look closely...

do you see what I see?

that's right...behind that pile of laundry lies my dear daughter...who was very uninspired to be awake this cheery Tuesday. She dozed through clothes change and could not be awakened to be bothered with "beauty etiquette" like brushing teeth or hair...

and so, while we finished getting around, she dozed...in the clean laundry. If you know Natalee you know she sleeps no where but her bed...doesn't care much to be rocked, doesn't fall asleep at the table, on the floor, or on the couch. She is tired this morning...very tired. She went to bed on time, slept well, got in to snuggle with Mama around 3:00 but went right back out. But she's just tired...you know the feeling, right?

She woke briefly to be put in the car and then went back out like a light. She whimpered when we left her with Lora Jean but was too tired to care really, I think. (anybody else notice that her Daddy put her britches on backwards. I switched them before we left...)
Here's praying she livens up and isn't grouchy today, on this uninspired Tuesday!


Bree Shaw said...

i noticed you were not yourself on sunday, so i am guessing that yeast infection might have had something to do with that:) i hope you are feeling better today and hope that miss natalee got woke up!

Diane Melvin said...

I can feel with the little angel about being tired - poor thing. Claudia used to have the same Tinker Bell blanket. What a small world. I think she lost her's, but it was her favorite. I bet Natalie loves it also.

Andrea Frederick said...

I would love to snuggle her when she's that tired:)