Thursday, December 4, 2008


so today, right at quitting time, a co-teacher comes in to tell me that one of my student's houses is on fire. the fire department had been called and that's all she knew...could be little, could be big. what do i do, i think? i'm a 'doer'...i like to help out, be there, offer a hand...
sooo, i'll pray hard, go to work tomorrow, and be there when he's ready...he's a soft kid...not the kind that will handle this well even if it's minor--and if it's not...heaven be with him!
they did catch him before he got on the bus to go home and redirected him to grandma's...thank you, Lord, for small favors...
you pray, too, won't you?...even if it's just right here, right now.


Anita J. said...

Prayers for this little boy and family. Please do update.

Andrea Frederick said...

poor guy, at least he has a safe refuge for a few hours!