Thursday, July 24, 2008

travel update

talked to micheal a little after 7 & they had made it to castle rock, co safely. he said the truck & trailer traveled well...had an episode where they almost ran out of gas b/c they weren't watching the gauge close enough, but other than that everything went well. they stopped at wal-mart to buy some breakfast/lunch items for tomorrow & then were headed to sedalia & on up the mountain.they'll stay in the lodge tonight & then get busy unloading and setting up tomorrow morning. i imagine tonight will be spent catching up with friends who are already out there--namely the spences. i'm there in my heart...if i close my eyes i can feel the cool mountain air & see the mountain peaks in the horizon. off to shower & change the jammies i wore all day...already feeling a fitful night of sleep in front of me as i never sleep well when mike's away.

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