Wednesday, July 9, 2008


okay, the house we are renting has had a damp, floody basement ever since we've moved in. usually it's not too bad--when it rains the water runs in but it drains okay and we always keep fans going to keep it dried out so things don't get moldy & yucky. monday night, it rained & rained--torrentially--when mike went down at midnight he said there was 3 inches standing. everything down there is in totes so i'm never worried about my 'treasures', but i neglected to think about one thing.....
our laundry is also down there (washer & dryer are off the floor on palettes) & i sort into two 3 slot bins on wheels that i bought at wal-mart--they sit about 2 inches off the ground. i went down to throw in a load today & when i got down to the clothes on the bottom of the bin they were soaked...i was thinking, what in the world? then i remembered what mike said about the standing water..even though it drained right away when the torrential rain stopped, it had obviously gotten high enough that it soaked right into the bottom of the sorters--of course clothes are going to soak up water! so--since all 6 bins had clothes/sheets/etc. in them, all six are getting washed today.
i'm heading tonight to a bed & breakfast to be treated to a 'before baby' night of relaxation by a couple of friends from church, but it looks like i have a busy day before i get going. my washer & dryer are churning as we speak! i can't wait until we move and our basement doesn't flood when it rains!!!

1 comment:

breanna said...

ah man!! so much for preparing for relaxation by relaxing! lol darnit!