Sunday, November 20, 2022

Weekly Wind Down {Cinnamon Bread, Turkey Art, Operation Christmas Child, Weekend Away} Nov 13-19

Sunday we went to church and then just did some life things before Sunday night small groups.  I did a grocery pick up of items to help fill our Operation Christmas Child boxes, then ran to Dollar Tree.  I had decided to buy the "essentials" for the boxes and let the kids choose the fun things.  

I tried a fun new bread recipe to take to small groups.  My kids love the cinnamon bread at our local Dutch bakery so I tried my hand at replicating it without the iced topping.  
I just made regular homemade bread dough, rolled it into a small square, added butter and cinnamon/sugar and rolled it up for a second rise.  It turned out really well and got gobbled up at small groups.  I saved back one loaf for breakfast for my kids Monday.  It sliced and toasted great the next morning.

Monday we were off and running early to go to co-op.  Co-op mornings bring an air of excitement for everyone, myself included.  I got an hour and a half class block, because one of the primary teachers was sick, and we used every ounce of that time in K-3 art/music.  
I took popsicle sticks for the children to build rhythms with and we alternated that activity with painting a turkey canvas.  This was a nice balance as some of the students really love art and painting, and some really move quickly with art, so having the rhythm sticks and instruments helped break up the time and give everyone something to do to keep busy.  I called it organized chaos and we even had time for the kids to help me clean up a bit.  
tas, titis, tika-tikas....
In addition to playing their own rhythms, I encouraged them to leave theirs out when they went back to play and play each others.
This project was a little selfish on my part - every year when we get out fall decorations I have these sweet little painted turkey canvases that Natalee and Xavier did in our Missouri co-op art class years ago.  I really wanted to have one from Mia and Zayden and thus it became the inspiration for my class.
We used a combination of a YouTube video and the kids' own imaginations to make our canvases.  The tutorial was our knowledge base but we didn't follow the color instructions and the students made their own choices.
We continue to strive to fill the whole area when we do art - if anyone has any tips for me on how to instruct that better I'd be glad to take them!  Overall everyone was so pleased with their turkeys and my heart was happy to see their confidence and listen to their chatter and ideas while they painted.
After my 90 minute block with K-3, I took a potty break and then headed right into preschool.  The teacher that was absent is also the other gal who does preschool so my little sweeties were waiting for me with anticipation.
I worked busily and my hands were messy with paint, so I didn't get many photos.  Our fingerplay was about a turkey, so naturally our activities were turkey focused, too.  I had found 4 little foam turkeys in my art cupboard, which was perfect, so I took along liquid glue, googly eyes, and colored feathers, and my little preschoolers got those foam turkeys looking right nice.
Liquid glue is such a delight to preschoolers and, if you don't open the bottle fully, it's a great way to strengthen hands.  While they worked on their turkeys, I took them one at a time to paint their hands with acrylic paint and make turkey handprints.  Be still my heart.  Some projects are child led and some are definitely for the parents.  
I had also taken my fall sensory bin, which was a hit especially with Mr. Sammy, and while I cleaned up our messes they played in that.
My morning went by in a flash and  I had just enough time to take my things out to the car, visit with a friend for a couple minutes, and then it was lunch time.
After lunch we loaded up at went to the Dollar Tree so that the kids could choose their items for the shoe boxes.  It is so difficult for me to do the boxes because I want to give the recipients everything.  Every child should have basic hygiene essentials, and a fresh outfit, and fun toys, and, and, and. ....
We sorted our items, including the essentials I had purchased, and the excitement was high, especially among the youngest 4.  They, too, have generous hearts and wanted their recipients to be blessed with much.
We quickly realized we were in over our heads and left our things in piles for Daddy to access when he came home.  He's a marvelous packer!
I wasn't sure Evie would "get it" but she completely saw that none of these things were for her and she gave willingly and generously.
Drawing a picture for "her girl" at the bottom of the little note and photos we printed out.
I thought I was going to have to go buy plastic shoe boxes but Daddy got everything to fit, with rubber bands.  Lord, let our recipients be blessed and know You...
Monday night the boys had wrestling and Natalee had swim.  I went to swim as it was photo night and I had organized the swim photos.  Everything went very well and our photographer was great to work with.
Zayden got a birthday present in the mail.  He loves birthday mail!

Tuesday morning serenade...
Tuesday started with a snowy recess that lasted a couple of hours!  We had a beautiful first tracking snow and the kids delighted in playing in it.  
We had no activities Tuesday night and that was lovely.  Evalynn moisturized my feet, 
and Daddy played games.

Wednesday was a pretty regular day of school.  We do protein shakes for breakfast on Wednesdays so mid morning I laid everyone out an oatmeal cookie and a fruit.
Our morning time game was Boggle.  We allow Mia and Zayden to do 3 letter words while the rest of us have to start at 4 letters.
Evalynn finished her first little preschool book!
She celebrated by covering the back cover in stamps.
The afternoon was just pretty chilly and windy and difficult to enjoy so they opted to play downstairs instead of outside.  Wednesday evening it was off to youth group and Awana.  Our little Cubbie got an award and was so pleased!

Thursday was school, hippotherapy, and another peaceful evening at home.  The boys ended up not having wrestling.  I do love regular ole nights at home.

Friday Natalee had an appointment via zoom, and then off we went for our weekend away to Columbia.  We had a great time and were thankful to be in attendance at our niece's birthday.

By the time we got home Saturday we were exhausted.  We missed the turning on of the lights on the square but drove around to appreciate them when we came into town.
We ended up having a kiddo vomit right around bedtime, and though it ended up being a fluke (travel, junk food, etc) we weren't sure at the time so we went to bed knowing Sunday was going to be a church from home reset day.

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