Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Evalynn's Birthday Party!

Evie managed to finagle 2 days plus a shopping day to celebrate her third birthday.  Coming down off that high was rough!
Honey baby's first time at church!
Sunday after church and classes, we invited our families up for an easy lunch to celebrate the big girl.
We had some rain during church, but it dried out enough that we were able to do some indoor/outdoor eating, which is always a great.  
Artie was appreciating my mac and cheese.
Evalynn didn't quite understand that everyone was coming up for her.  I think my favorite memory from the day was her face and eyes when everyone sang to her.
Such shiny eyes...
Her looking at everyone....
Ev didn't care a bit what we had for actual lunch, but she did ask for brownies, ice cream, and sno cones.  Ha.  After lunch we had brownies and ice cream, and then took a break for gifts.

(Also, before you look at these photos, please know I had a kimono to go over my tank but I got hot while I was prepping and I guess I forgot to put it back on at all.  Sorry to our families!)
Intermission for these cuties...
Showing everyone her birthday baby.
Another intermission....
What a truly blessed little girl.
Before sno cones I totally encouraged pictures...
We sure missed the family that weren't able to make it but we completely understood.  We've had to make the exact same decisions in this busy season of life, especially after our move, and we know how hard it is to miss out.  We're thankful for their transparent love - that we know their love and they know ours.
No outtake for this gent - what a doll.

I could hold her off no longer - Evalynn was ready for her sno cone after we did pictures.
She doesn't care what flavor - in fact she'll pile all 5 on top of each other.  She just really loves sno cones.
They were a hit with all the kids and a few of the adults had one, too.  I sat down with mine about the time Evie finished her first one and she said, "thanks, mom, for another one."  LOL
Sno cones led to some outside play.  Family began filtering out as the kids got all kinds of wet, sandy, and muddy.  
Artie had a shower before they headed out and he helped me move some boxes to their van.
What a great day for a little three year old!
After the Missouri families left Mike served PB&J's and watermelon outside to our crew and the Brummer boys while I did a quick tidy, dishes, and floors and got us ready for birthday part 2.

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