Saturday, March 12, 2022

Weekly Wind Down {A Calm Week!} Mar 6-12

Sunday started with the kids and I going down to Missouri to worship at our home church and then having lunch with Grandma Cindy and Papa Curtis.  Nannie, Vance, and Emma were able to make it so we got to catch up with them, too.  Saturday had brought tornados through a stretch of a few miles near the folks' farm and we surveyed the damage of the "homestead" with both gladness and sadness.  So thankful the house was spared and Grandma and Papa were safe, but so sad for them at what was lost.  If the last few years have taught us all anything it's that "things" don't matter as much as we might have once thought, and can be replaced.  Neighbors also had damage but no lives were lost.
The kids and I headed home and were greeted by our friends gathered at our house for supper.  I took zero pictures of actual people Sunday, apparently.  We sent our friends out with prayers as it had started snowing while we were visiting!  One couple just has two blocks to go, but the other has over an hour.  They drove through some crummy stuff but made it home safely.  When I went to bed we were buried in snow.  Welcome to March in Iowa.

Our week was strangely calm and no one complained about that.
Monday morning school...
We discovered Evalynn likes peas, preferably slightly steamed and swimming in butter!
Monday at supper Zayden wanted to know how God was Jesus and Jesus was God and what the Trinity was.....look at Mia's face as Mike tries to talk him through it.  LOL
Keeping Ev busy was a bit of a full time position this week.  She was very fidgety with a short attention span.  
Tuesday morning Natalee had therapy.  Ev didn't even get dressed Tuesday.  Paint with waters kept her busy for quite awhile while the others worked on school.
beautiful handwriting!
Tuesday evening Xavier and Jace had baseball assessments....they kept busy before they left by building a monster magnatile tower.
To the ceiling!
Ameliya had gymnastics Wednesday and then we were home the rest of the day.
Wednesdays activity for Ev was dot markers.

We learned about Oregon in geography and I introduced the kids to the old school Oregon Trail game.  It has no educational merit, really, but it's a fun way to pass the time.  Natalee was the only one who made it to Oregon!
Looking less like a baby everyday.
Thursday we got up and Evalynn and I decided to potty train.  So proud of this big girl!!
Thursday was a lot.  First days are.  She tried so hard but there's still a lot of piddle to wipe up.  It worked though, and the days at home helped, because she was a pro in no time!!
Thursday we tried sourdough breakfast pizza for supper and it was yummy!  I made french toast out of sourdough bread and it was good, but the sourdough taste is something the children are still acclimating to.
Friday - another day of potty training.  That meant that Evalynn couldn't freely play downstairs when the others did so we kept her busy upstairs.  Or tried to...
This activity looks adorable but it lasted like 3 minutes.
The big kids worked on an "Oregon sunset" tissue paper art project throughout the day.  They were mostly self guided while I was helping Evalynn.  They did such a great job.
We've never shown Evalynn the smart capabilities of her little play kitchen, but I let her try it Friday.  It's fun in small chunks of time.
Daddy's home!!
I had a bit of metal in my foot (how?  I dunno) that Mike was digging out.  Evalynn was offering me sympathy.
Friday I went ahead and adjusted our clocks for the time change trying to get us acclimated.  It didn't really work, but was a nice idea.
Saturday was a sluggish day.  Our clock changes made us all sleep in and meals were all upside down all day.  We worked hard cleaning and cooking, and mid afternoon Papa came through town with fries and frosties!
Natalee and Evalynn watched Moana and Evie apparently had the song stuck in her head.
And that was the week!  Calm.  Quiet.  Collected.  Rare.

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