Saturday, May 2, 2020

Week in the Life {Sunshine Play, Four Square (?), and School}

Sunday, April 26th
We stayed very busy Sunday.  After online church, we went across to the baseball field and played a family kickball game.  We had fun stretching our legs and enjoying time with each other under that bright blue sky and puffy clouds.
our cheerleader...
Grandma Num and Papa Curtis came for a yard visit.  We miss hugs and snuggles and inviting people in.  We're trying to be strong - sometimes our bravery is waning.  We did enjoy seeing them, as always.
After our visit, we took a bike ride and I tried out pulling the cart for the first time.
Then, we came back for showers and a late supper.
Grandma Num included homemade bread in our care package, so for supper we had grilled cheese with it.  Delicious!!

Monday, April 27th
Monday started slow.  Mommy didn't have her lesson plans done, so the children played a bit before we began school.
I got myself together and we did our school. We spent a great deal of time outdoors - the pretty weather sure helps to lift our spirits.
We have attempted to learn four square with no real success.  Who can help us?
Big sister and little sister.
All the excitement of waiting for birds at Natalee's new feeder had the kids break out the binoculars and pocket microscopes.
Evie is afraid of nothing.  I finally stopped fighting her and let her go.
She's also been teething and was grumpy about it a lot of this week.  So many frozen berries in the pulper.
We took our evening bike ride,
and then home for showers and bed.

Tuesday, April 28th
Grandpa Curtis brought up hangers so that Natalee could hang her bird feeders near windows.
Our friend, Joslynn, gave us the sweetest Valentine's with flower seeds in them so we followed the directions and planted them in a big pot between the hangers, hoping to attract more birds.  Grandma Num brought up a hummingbird feeder, and Natalee is excited to report she had hummingbirds visiting by the end of the week!
Beyond planting flowers Tuesday was a pretty regular day for us.  School, play, food.

Wednesday, April 29th
Our Evie joy turned 8 months old!
I spent way too much time getting a good picture of her.  I got a few of these.  And some other ornery ones you can see on the 8 month post.
We worked through school - my little ones were quite eager students.
I ran to pick up our grocery order while Mike was home.  Look at the right window - my little midgy wondering where I'm going without her.
Uncle Lance and Theo video called and before I knew it Theo and Zayden were playing Rescue Bots over video chat - it was the very sweetest thing to watch how those boys played .
Such a bright spot to our week.

Thursday, April 30th
Sometimes these two are best friends...
Evie the messy eater...she ate peas while I was finishing making our supper, and thoroughly enjoyed them.  Then she pulped some berries and made a glorious mess while we ate.
Let's clean up this hot mess.
Fresh, clean, and we even fixed her hair.  He he he.

Friday, May 1st
Mike worked at the kitchen table on Friday after having been in the office Thursday.  Evie wanted to be his assistant.  She wasn't much help.
Evie only took one hour naps both times she laid down Friday.  Mama was real worn out by bedtime.
Millie loves her writing journal.
She's also becoming such a lovely reader.  She recorded this for her family and friends to hear.
After a bit of peek a boo, Evalynn did sleep decently Friday night.  Teething must be such awful business.

Saturday, May 2nd
We seem to have made it to the end of another week.  The novelty of staying home has worn off and we're having to work a bit harder to keep a cheerful countenance.  Today was supposed to be 78 degrees, but it was actually back and forth with a bit of sun and gray/sprinkling.
Mike got out and mowed while the kids watched their Saturday morning cartoons, and then we made a brick makeshift fire pit for the season with some bricks left at the rental.
The kids played outside, not minding the sprinkles, while Mike worked on cleaning the shed and tidying the garage.
Isn't she so precious in a bonnet?  I messaged my friend, Lora Jean, to see if she can help me get a bigger bonnet - we bought this one from her store for Mia and I just love it so much.  I like that it doesn't flop down over her eyes and that her ears are protected if it's a bit breezy.
Shaving cream play!
full sensory experience...
Mike filled the kiddie pool to let the kids splash around.  Even though I made them wait to try to warm the water with the sun, and I hauled out pots of hot water to dump in it, it was still pretty brisk.  They played for a little bit and tried to brave it, but in the end got out to warm up and never got back in.
We had a couple people stop by and visit in the yard, and our friend, Taaf, brought by a load of dirt to fill up my front flower bed, so it was a nice treat to see "peoples."
We did early showers and let the kids watch a couple shows and just relaxed as a family - we were all a bit wiped tonight.

Tomorrow is a new week, in which we will start fresh and do it all again, except the moments and the memories will be new.  We are thankful for the moments we have been given with each other.

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