Sunday, May 17, 2020

Introducing Ruby

Nannie and Vance gave Mia a kitten and all it's accessories for her birthday.  She got her on Monday evening and it's been a sweet week of getting to know each other.
Meet Ruby.
We had a long car ride home after we got her, so actually Ruby ended up going back into her crate where she finally relaxed a little.  Transitioning to a new family with many little voices I'm sure was a bit overwhelming.
When we got home we let the kids stay up late to get Ruby settled in.  She cried some throughout the night so I ended up having Mike move her crate to the kitchen so the kids could sleep.
Evie wants to wrestle Ruby hard core.
Mia walks Ruby on a leash, although we've let her play outside with the kids and she stays pretty close.
Mia was sure she needed some milk...
Mia doesn't put her in this pot - she loves to climb in there and cozy up.
Ruby likes to play with sticks, string, and dandelions.  Mia wants me to get her a brush and kitty treats on my next grocery order.
She's very much a silly kitten and not an old "lap" cat.  We think she'll get snugglier as the kids play with her more.

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