Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Big Boy Bed

I decided I wasn't going to move the crib when we go, so we went ahead and transitioned Zayden to a toddler bed.  It's going ok.  He still gets up in the middle of the night and wanders into our room.  He's very quiet and a little creepy (ha) and often gets in with us at around 3-4 a.m., but for the most part he lays right down at bedtime like a big boy and goes to sleep.  

Last sleepy in his crib...

First nap in the toddler bed...
For his first nap I had to lay him back down about a dozen times, but after that it just took a couple reminders and he stayed in his bed.  If Xavier is in their room at bedtime, Zayden stays right in bed, otherwise he wanders down and we have to take him back up.  I'm determined and at least as stubborn as him (maybe more!), so we will succeed!
This transition has sure made this little guy grow up a lot!  Our last baby...

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