Monday, May 22, 2017

Park Day

We had the opportunity to spend several hours at the new inclusion park near us a couple of weeks ago.  What fun!  Zayden could do SO much at this park - it's so well designed!

Natalee worked so hard to conquer this rock climber!
By God's grace we were pretty much the only ones at the park.  I think we encountered 3 other children the entire time we were there. It's kind of fun to have the park all to yourself!
Sometimes "inclusion" isn't just about children in wheel chairs (though you know I most definitely think everyone should be included!).  Inclusion for us meant our child with physical weakness could do everything and that our 18 month old and 3 year old could keep up with big brother and sister.  A huge hats off to the team who made this playground possible! 
We ended up having such a good time that we ordered pizza and just ate at the park (nice big covered shelter area for eating).  Our plan was actually to kill time between a morning appointment and afternoon karate, but it became a great memory together as a family.  So thankful!
Zayden was so thoroughly exhausted that he slept in the wagon in the middle of karate class. 

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