Monday, May 22, 2017

Xavier's Final Karate Class

We are super sad to see Xavier's karate journey come to a close right now.  The homeschool class at his dojo was canceled, so we have to pause his training.  We are also prayerfully moving soon, so thought this was the best opportunity to take a break.

He has an intermediate white belt and earned another stripe on it during his last class.  Sometimes I questioned whether he was getting the most out of the class that he could - when I was able to watch class it often seemed like he wasn't kicking hard or punching with all of his might - but I finally realized that the intent was technique, and after listening to him review what he learned I saw that he had the technique behind the kicks/punches/etc down quite well.  Xavier is a quiet study.  He's always listening, always learning.  He is not assertive and can get lost in the background of a group, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know what's going on - usually he does!  I don't regret the time and money we put into his training over the last 10 months.  It was a good learning experience for us both. 
Thank you to Xavier's sensei, Twila, and her husband, Jerry, for the time and effort they poured into our son.

An Apple a Day...

I do really wish an apple a day kept the doctors away...
But isn't this adorable?  What is it about a little boy and a big red apple? 
 He's a turkey...

Friends and Family Fun!

May is always a busy month, but usually also brings celebrations that result in extra time with friends and family!
On May 14th we celebrated 5 family graduations.  I briefly got a snuggle from Adelyn, who is growing up so fast.  
 I also got to hang and eat some fruit with this guy - my own children had abandoned me for playing!
 Liam and Patricia were home from Vegas.  Liam is such a sweetheart!
I was bummed that Zayden didn't get to play with Liam - he was home sick with Daddy.

On May 17th, Ellie and Levi came to play for the day.  The big kids all played hard - Ameliya tried to keep up, and Zayden was a crab
 Ellie brought dress up clothes for Ameliya!
 She caved shortly after Ellie and Levi left...
So did the crab...
After Zayden was in bed, the big kids built a Q-Ba-Maze with Daddy. 

Colby turned 15 on May 10th.  We celebrated yesterday.  Theo decided Ameliya made a good target for tackling practice!
 Teddy got tired...
 Papa might have been tired, too, because he played with Zayden on the trampoline...

The May birthday boys!  They are also the oldest (15 yr) and youngest (1 yr) grandchildren. 
May is a whirlwind, but a fun one.  Throw in ball practices, school winding down, field trips, and more, and you have constant jam packed fun!  And it's not over yet...

Natalee's 1st Ball Game of the Season

We kicked off ball season on May 13th with a 9 a.m. softball game for Natalee.  The weather was beautiful - it was a great morning for ball!
Natalee got a hit each time at bat, had the opportunity to play catcher, and, most importantly, had fun!
We are thankful to have last year's coaches, Kenny and James, back to work with the girls, with the added bonus of head coach, Jana, who is exceptionally talented as a coach to 7-8 year olds!  How blessed to have such great and caring coaches on our local little league!

Happy EARLY Birthday, Zayden!

This year, on a whim (and Amazon quick sale) I ordered our nephew, Theo, and our niece, Adelyn, water tables for their May and June birthdays.  After we gave Theo his, I had the opportunity to see how much Zayden loved it and wished his birthday were in the summer so we could gift him one.  I'm not very good at buying the kids something "just because" - perhaps I should loosen up on that a little.  Nonetheless, I watched for a sale and when another came through I jumped and ordered a water table for Zayden.  Happy November birthday in May, baby boy, or whatever I need to term this to not feel guilty about it.  (Actually I don't feel that guilty.  We buy our children very little new.)
All the kids love it, really.  I'm hoping to gift Xavier this one for his birthday in June, for extended water play for the big kids outdoors.  I missed it when it was under $40 - hoping it comes through on sale again before June! 
November is so hard with Christmas right around the corner.  We were happy to treat Zayden to this and have some summer fun!
We also indulged in a folding wagon for ball season this summer.  Making my life easier, a little at a time!

A few of you have asked for links.  None of the 3 water tables we purchased were alike.
Ours is the Step2 Big Splash water park:
 Adelyn's is the Step2 Wild Whirlpool Water Table:

 Theo's is the Little Tike's Spiralin' Seas Waterpark:
Watch for sales.  Prices change daily on Amazon and Wal-Mart.  I didn't pay more than $35 for any of the tables.

Park Day

We had the opportunity to spend several hours at the new inclusion park near us a couple of weeks ago.  What fun!  Zayden could do SO much at this park - it's so well designed!

Natalee worked so hard to conquer this rock climber!
By God's grace we were pretty much the only ones at the park.  I think we encountered 3 other children the entire time we were there. It's kind of fun to have the park all to yourself!
Sometimes "inclusion" isn't just about children in wheel chairs (though you know I most definitely think everyone should be included!).  Inclusion for us meant our child with physical weakness could do everything and that our 18 month old and 3 year old could keep up with big brother and sister.  A huge hats off to the team who made this playground possible! 
We ended up having such a good time that we ordered pizza and just ate at the park (nice big covered shelter area for eating).  Our plan was actually to kill time between a morning appointment and afternoon karate, but it became a great memory together as a family.  So thankful!
Zayden was so thoroughly exhausted that he slept in the wagon in the middle of karate class.