Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Way to a Young Boy's Heart

I've heard that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.  The same is true of my three year old.  He tries to be a picky eater, the only difficulty being that I don't cater meals so he either eats or he doesn't.  He loves milk, and he loves carbs (something I watch closely with him!).  

Last night my Facebook status read as follows:
"Xavier just melted down when he came to the table because "his heart smelled biscuits for supper." His heart was wrong. Poor dude."

Supper was already on the table.  I wasn't scooting back into the kitchen to whip up biscuits.  However, I did make them tonight, much to his absolute joy.  

Under gravy, with butter & jelly, or just plain (for real - he eats them off the plate just plain) - this boy absolutely loves his mama's homemade biscuits.

Love you son, MORE than a hot biscuit!


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