Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Left vs. Right

Natalee is left handed by default.  The damage in her brain from her birth affected her right side, making it weaker.  Although we've done therapies and she has lots more strength in the right now, when she was beginning to doodle and draw she dominantly chose her left hand and we let her.

never mind the squinty eyes...she's silly!

Xavier has decided that he should use BOTH hands to accomplish his school work.  "Dis hand is for writing....

and dis hand is for tutting (cutting)."

It's good for his brain to exercise like this and he's actually pretty snazzy with both hands!

{I did correct the boo boo on the tracing page above.  Our first time tracing numbers instead of lines!  He went for the horizontal instead of the number 1.}

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