Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sensory Smart Encouragement

I've gone back and forth about whether to do this post or not but, as I said in the beginning, someday I want to print this all out for my kids and give it to them and these "reviews" and words of encouragement from others are a big part of that.  I've changed names, genders, etc. of those who have messaged me but here are a couple of the nice emails and Facebook messages I've received regarding the changes we are making.
  • Just wanted to thank you for your hard work at doing all you can for Natalee and your students.  Since you've started blogging about it I've been following and researching more...Susie is ADHD and has been on meds for 2 years and, while they have helped her, after reading your post/links we've made changes.  She has been off her meds for 3weeks...John and I decided to make a change for the whole family but we knew it couldn't be too drastic.  We have lots of big plans but we started out just removing wow!  It was such an easy change and within in a week we have seen awesome things from Susie (the same things her meds were doing).  She is also taking an Omega 3 vitamin as well!!  So thank you, thank you for opening up eyes!!  This transformation so far (we aren't done) has had wonderful effects :)
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  • I was reading through your blog which I found fascinating and give you kudos for doing what is right for your children. As I have told you before, we know that Samantha has slight Aspergers, undiagnosed, and when I was reading your totally described some of her tendencies dead on. We had a long battle that we have fought with it and we started when she was around Natalee's age. We do the probiotics and she has a LOT of digestive problems that we deal with, but they are minimal compared to what they use to be.   It was a long road, but you have totally got it and Aspergers can be treated and overcome in my honest opinion. We still battle some aspects of you watch Samantha in the bathroom, she covers her ears because she can't handle loud sounds well and occasionally she will still flap her hands and jump up and down.
    I praise you for doing what is right....some like to criticize and think you are nuts, but you have to do what is right for your kiddos. My motto was to let God lead me in the direction that I needed and I was constantly asking Him to help me make the right decisions. I am going to add Natalee to my prayer list and I know you can help her overcome a lot of her obstacles.
    God Bless.
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  • I hope you are doing well. I have been keeping up on your new blog. I am touched by your honesty and determination on behalf of your children. It is simply beautiful. I can't remember if I shared with you that one of Sam's sons is on the autism spectrum so I too have been thinking about many of the diet connections you have shared. I also have been thinking about these things for myself as well. I have recently done a sugar detox and have moved to a mostly plant based diet. I have eliminated processed food and I have noticed a significant change for the better in my energy level and diet...she goes on to share some recipes with me that I'll share soon with you!
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  • Jenn- I was just reading your new blog - I hope you are super successful in all your changes! How inspiring! I was reading your post about the vitamins the kids take - how often do you order from Vitacost for the multi-vitamin? I'm thinking it might be a good idea for Charlie to be taking some sort of vitamin like that....We did get her some vitamins ordered for her child who is over one.  I'm no doctor but I personally think a multi-vitamin is a great idea for any child over age 1, especially by age 2. 
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  • So I haven't commented on any of your new blog posts yet because I have been digesting them for awhile...however, I have been reading them! Originally I wanted to spell this all out for you in a cute card, but I wanted you to hear it now, especially after your status this morning. Your children are so very lucky to have you. I don't know what its like to be a Mom but I can imagine it is pretty wonderful if you are willing to turn your life upside down for them.  I have continually been amazed at the research you do and the time and effort you put into trying to find help for Natalee. I have taken the time to think over the goals you posted, I know that none of it will be easy and some will be much harder than others to implement, however I wanted you to know that you have my full support whenever and however you need it. I am willing to do whatever you ask when I watch your kids (I might need training on how to cook You may not get me on an all natural diet quite yet but I am fully behind you when it comes to your kids and your family! So I guess what I really wanted to say is that if you feel in your heart that this is the best move for you family then I think you should go for it with all you've got. Some people may not understand where you're coming from or what you're trying to accomplish but we have to make sure those people don't get you down....from my baby sister, Lauren.
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  • As I sit here having just read your message my heart breaks because as a mother I can't fix this for you and that's what parents who love their kids are supposed to be able to do. That being said, I just want you to know that your dad and I are here for you to help in any way that we can. Jenn, I know I've said several times that Natalee will do what she needs to do in her own time, but I also realize that you deal with these problems every day and you are trained to recognize problem areas so for this I apologize if I've made you feel like you didn't know what is best for your own child, that was not my intent at all, if anything it was to ease your mind.
    So all that being said I agree with Lauren and Lance {who sent me separate inboxes} that God gave Natalee to the best set of parents He could have, because He knew that He could trust you to do whatever it takes to help her be the best that she can be. So know that your dad and I are board for the long haul. Love you.
The comments, phone calls, and personal inboxes from family have also been a huge buoy to me along this journey.  The chapters in this "book" wouldn't be complete without including these because, without all of this encouragement, understanding & support I probably would have wanted to quit a long time ago!  Thanks to you all.  If there's anyone else out there that is making changes or has a story to tell I'd LOVE to hear from you!!

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