Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My Firstborn is 3

My 8 lb 10 1/2 oz little girl is now 3! How did the time fly so quickly? There's so much to say about Natalee but the one thing that tops all she's overcome, the challenges that lie yet ahead, and the roads we have traveled & have yet to travel is this: Mommy & Daddy love you so very very much & we'll always be here for you!

The night of Natalee's birthday was pretty quiet this year. We did make homemade pizza (her favorite) and she got to open all her presents from mom & dad. I was so excited to give her the Cabbage Patch doll I picked out for her I could hardly wait! :) She was a gracious recipient and we played babies & new games all night long!

Natalee's party was a penguin themed event & it was a blast! She LOVED the birthday song and opening presents. Basically she adored being the center of attention. :)

Here is a sampling of her 3 year pictures I took. She looks like a big girl now...where'd her baby'ness' go?? I happen to think she's quite beautiful, but I might be a little biased!

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