Saturday, January 21, 2012

Grocery Shopping

Last night my hubs and I went grocery shopping without the children.  I was very anxious about how this trip would go.  The key things that we determined to eliminate this trip were: MSG, BHT, dyes, and of course sugar (aspertame, Splenda).
I had made my menu for the next 2 weeks and the grocery list off of that.  We stuck mainly to the outer parts of the grocery store.  We did venture in the aisles for a few things and there were a couple of cans that made it into the cart that might not make other cuts next time (when we eliminate more petrochemicals, etc).  But overall, it wasn't as stressful as I feared.

I am anxiously awaiting my materials from the Feingold Association, which include a shopping guide.  This guide eliminates petrochemicals, preservatives, dyes (and I think a couple of other things) and tells you the brand of whatever you're looking for that would be acceptable to purchase.  For example, if I was looking for relish but all I could find had dye in it I would look it up in my guide and "bingo!" there it is.  I'm a little nervous that the products in the guide won't be readily available where I live but we'll see.  Our main shopping choices are Aldi's, Hy-Vee, & Wal-Mart.  Might be that a trip to a big city every couple of months will be in order!  Obviously the Feingold doesn't cut out ALL things that we don't want to consume (for example, Coke is "ok" on the Feingold but we're cutting out sugar so Coke is not "ok" for the Beeler's - read this article to find out WHY it's not "ok" for anyone!) but it's a great, easy beginning point and I can't wait to start it!

My dear friend, Lori, is on the roll with me and will be getting her materials and beginning her program too!  Here's to a healthier, calmer, more sensory smart life!!

**SIDE NOTE:  In the healthy snack mix I posted last week I wrote that I included bugles, which I did.  They contain BHT, which are on the "not okay" list.  I'll substitute them with something else next time!

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