Saturday, September 11, 2010

One of Each

I love my girl and my boy. It's sweet having "one of each." I have a blogger/sister friend who has a boy and girl and she recently blogged about how her family feels complete. I'm glad for her, that they feel full circle, and it's made me think really hard...
I have one of each. When we found out we were having Xabe, I HATED when people would say to me, "Aw, that will give you one of each and you can be done." Boo! What if my 2nd born would have been a girl? Would I have not been allowed to "be done?" And so what that I have one of each?
All this to say...don't be quick to put us in a "one of each"/"normal 4 person family" box. Because between you and me, we're thinking of taking a little break (maybe not be pregnant in 2011 since I was in 2008, 2009 & 2010), getting these 2 out of diapers and then going again! When I think about selling my baby things I feel absolutely devastated. The totes of clothes, the bouncy seat, the highchair, etc. When I think about never nursing again, no more pacis scattered about, never a diaper in my house again, I'm brokenhearted. We've talked about adopting and about having more naturally--both are equally fine avenues for me. And this isn't to say I might not change my mind in a few years...but probably not. And so, I might sell a few things now, and buy new/used later, but I won't be unloading everything...

Just look at them...

wouldn't you want to have more?


Bree Shaw said...

of course i would:) you guys make some cute little guys!

Shonya said...

You gotta do what's best for you and your family, hmmmm? And if you really want more, learn from my experience and don't get rid of stuff! :)

breanna from glimpse said...

yeppers!!! and i do!!!!!!! :) so fun to play with your "one of each" this weekend and see my "one of each" play with yours!! :))))

Corin said...

I think that's great for you guys. I know I'm done b/c I'm super excited to sell off my baby things. When I use certain baby things I start to wonder about who I know that might need it.
Just so you know our family feeling complete and my knowing that we are done has nothing to do with the fact that we have one of each. We would have been done if we had a second boy too. I honestly feel like two kids is just the right amount of kids for us. I feel confident that these two are the exact kids I was meant to have but they're sex has very little to do with that. I'm quite honestly just know starting to think about what it means to have a little girl.

Anonymous said...

You do make cute little babies. Speaking from experience, you will know when you are done. Were we trying for a girl? NOpe, just didn't have the feeling that it was time to stop. I wouldn't trade one of my boys for a girl now. Would I want one at this stage in my life, no I'll just love on our friends' girls. Enjoy them. They are two cute little ones.