Monday, September 6, 2010

On Our Day Off...

On our extra day off we are relaxing, mom is sewing up a storm, and the kids are being silly and sweet!


Andrea Frederick said...

oh my goodness! too cute:)

Shonya said...

Funny and cute! :)

Anonymous said...

That was the funniest thing I had seen all day. Didn't know she was that good at blowing kisses and had never heard her say motorcycle. And Xabie baby is looking especially handsome in this video. Eyes WIDE open. Hugs to them both. Thanks for posting.

Love Lauren

Anonymous said...

They are growing too fast!! Appreciate you sharing videos and pics so I can keep up with them. Bear hugs and fish kisses. Loves.


Bree Shaw said...

that is hilarious!!! i love it:)