Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Thoughts on Baptizing a 5 Year Old

She's too young. That's what I would have said a year or two ago.

Today, I'll stand before you and testify that the light of Jesus lives in my 5 year old niece and she's not too young. She gets it...more so than many adults.

Does she know what real sin is? Sure she does. She understands the real sin in her 5 year old life---sassing mom, not listening to dad, telling a lie. She also understands that she knows enough to not want to go to hell. It's not a morbid fear--her fear of hell--it's a biblical fear. It's that fear that we get when we know the difference between living for God and living for ourselves. It's not as much a fear of hell, as it is a respectful fear of the power of God.

When she asked a year ago, Emma's parents told her that they would pray about it, think about it, and that maybe she should wait a little while until she was older. And they did, and she did. They prayed, they talked, she grew, she waited. A year later, she's still determined--set in her passion and love for Christ--that she knows what she's doing.

Will her relationship with Christ need nurturing?

Does my relationship with Christ need nurturing?
for certain

Might she have to make another decision in later years when she matures some and understands in a different way what it means to live for Jesus?

Did I?
absolutely...not publicly, but about 5 years ago I had to make this decision in my heart, with my prayer partners

And so, is a 5 year old too young to baptize?
For most, probably.

For Emma?
not at all

Because Jesus didn't say, "come follow me ye who are 10 and over."

He said, "those who really believe in Me..."

and she really believes...just ask her...
and today she is excited to enter into this union with Christ and become Jesus' Princess...

(photo courtesy of Mandie Replogle @ Replogle Studios)

And so I ask you really believe?
Are you living for Him, with the faith of a child, or are you living for you?

If you aren't living for Him, or don't know what that means, might I invite you to contact a Christian church in your area, myself, or another faithful friend?

It's never too late...Jesus loves you just like he loves Emma.

The sun is shining, the water is warm, the church is alive...

So please, won't you join us?


Bree Shaw said...

i whole heartadly agree with you on emma's part. i have never seen a child so in love with Him and know so much. she knows more than a lot of adults claim to know and she lives for Him, more so than a lot of adults proclaiming they are a true Christian!

I was so proud of her today and everyday she speaks of the Lord.

thanks for the great post! i also thought Matt's message today was great too. It had a lot of the same views as your post.

and as for ther water warming.... dang the luck:0 poor mikey:) oh well, he tried!

Corin said...

Emma is a very special 5 year old. Her faith is astounding and she deserves to explore it and not be told to wait. Besides it's exciting to see her get so excited about Christ.

Andrea Frederick said...

Whew...I'm so glad you're in our corner:) Thanks! Love you...