Sunday, October 18, 2009

Family Photos

The past 2 weekends have been full of family & family portraits. Last weekend was the Beeler family and this weekend we did the Tallman's! On Mike's side they do pictures of all the grandkids kids on his dad's side of the family...which is a manageable group considering there are just 4 grandkids. We, of course, do some immediate family pictures, too, while we are all there and dressed.
On my side we just did my immediate family...had we tried to do all of my first cousins on the Tallman's side we would have ended up with upwards of 60 people, considering I'm one in 24 grandchildren!

Here's a sneak peak of the pictures...for the whole kit and kaboodle head on over to my photography blog or click on the picture of the family you want to see more of and it'll take you there...

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