Saturday, October 24, 2009

In Light of Recent Sickness...

Will all the H1N1 & other flu viruses going around there are a few things I'm glad I don't have to do without! We opted not to do the vaccine for any of the flu viruses. It's not that I think we won't get the's just a personal decision. However, I am grateful for a few things in my life that make us, especially Natalee, come in contact with less germs.

I would never use this on Natalee because it's alcohol based and could be dangerous if she licked her hands (which she most assuredly will do) but I use it frequently. I never pick her up from Lora Jean's without having either washed my hands (my preference) or rubbing myself down with this.
Ahh, our stroller. Our saving grace that means, as long as there is 2 of us going grocery shopping (one to push this, one to push the cart), that she doesn't even have to breath near a cart! God bless you comfy stroller!

My shopping cart cover. Yep, I'm THAT mom. I invested in this beauty from One Step Ahead and it is truly the easiest shopping cart cover to put on, it throws in the wash when we get home, it has it's own over the should harness, side pockets, toy loops, (I could go on) if I am by myself Natalee is still protected. We also use it at restaurants to cover the highchairs.

We also use lots of baby wipes, throw lots of toys in the dishwasher or run them through a Clorox sink, and spray Lysol frequently.

Tell me, what are your "no germs" saving graces? What keeps you sane (and healthy) during this outrageous flu seasons?


Shonya said...

still amazed school is canceled for that NOT FUN reason!
But, too, you can use the wonderful, fabulous BABY SLING which is easier than pushing a stroller and keeps your precious babe from touching germy shopping carts! :) Just my personal preference.

Lori said...

Way to be that mom!! Sometimes I need to be more that way. Enjoy the next two days off!!!