Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thousand Word Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy

by Natalee Cynthia

Moisten your's very important to have just the right amount of saliva on them.

Pucker up.

And give a little whistle!
If done properly tiny bubbles will dribble in waterfall fashion down your chin.
No need to wipe up your handiwork.
It will soak into your shirt or your hand will get it when you are sucking on your fingers!

**Then, find someone who is willing to lay on the floor with you for 30 minutes so that you can have a tongue sticking out contest.** This person is usually in the form of a man called Daddy, sometimes spelled S.U.C.K.E.R.



Anonymous said...

I'm so in love....she is so adorable! Missing her bunches. Give her kisses for me.
Aunt Kea

Amee Jones said...

How adorable!!!

Dee said...

LOL! She is absolutely adorable!

Bree Shaw said...

i love how her lips looks with the spit running down her chin. she is getting cuter and cuter:)

Heather B. said...

She is such a beauty! Blowing bubbles is one of my favorite things that babies do! Happy ATWT!

April said...

Love the spit bubbles! Happy ATWT!

Andrea Frederick said...

LEt's hope this isn't her only talent! Love the pictures and the trick...especially during church!

Erica said...

Oh my what adorable pictures! I love the one of her and her Daddy (okay I'm just guessing that's her daddy)!

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

Awwwww Those are so cute! She has some good facial expressions. Very CUTE!

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

Awww, these are just precious. She is a cutie. Thanks for stopping by today...

Martha said...

Love the bubbles!

Amy Clary said...

she is just too cute. :) i love your pics. a

anw said...

Cute pictures and adorable facial expressions!

--cousin Amber

A Family Completed... said...

That's so cute. I love the last picture!

Noob Mommy said...

Love the spitfall :) So adorable

4 Lettre Words said...

Truly adorable! I know you are really enjoying her.

Leslie said...

She is precious! Yes, Daddy's are suckers for their little girls. As it should be!

The Mom Jen said...

WHAT a doll! Precious, thanks for sharin'!

Anonymous said...

So cute! I'm glad you are capturing those early milestones; they do just grow up so quickly!

Kristen Andrews said...

that is so cute! I love when babies do that, my 3yo likes to do it still and it is messy!

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

Too cute! My 2 month old loves having tongue sticking out contest. Come to think of it, so does my 3 year old! :)