Sunday, March 22, 2009

Pureeing Princess

So, I'm not really sure why, but I got it into my head that I was/am going to make all of Natalee's baby food. Besides being healthier, it truly is a cost cutter on our budget, plus I'm still living that "I only have 1 baby super-mom ego" life.
Friday night my girl and I went grocery shopping. We spent lots of extra time in the fresh produce section looking over all they had. We finally settled on avocados, pears, plums, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas, & nectarines (I thought I grabbed peaches but I didn't; we worked them up anyways). In addition, we bought frozen peas and green beans.
My pureeing partner and our produce!

She's got her spoon ready to sample the yum-yum's
(actually she likes to chew on it!).

Saturday we went to MOCHIP, came home and had lunch and then we got started. I started in on the avocados and I'm sorry to say they were a bust. They weren't ripe enough and having never cut up avocados before, I didn't know it until I'd ruined 5 of the 6 that I bought (it was a learning moment). Anyhow, feeling slightly discouraged I started in on the frozen things, thinking I surely couldn't ruin those. I was right. My partner gave up on me and traded in helping for a nap, but she slept right through the blender which was awesome!

Mom stopped by on her way to go grocery shopping and I was having sooo much fun that she stayed and helped. That was a blessing...things were getting a little overwhelming, just because I was doing too many different things at once. Anyhow, we plugged on...blender going continually and we were a success! I've very pleased with the finished product and excited for the Little Miss to try things out. She's eating pears right now and she loves them. After the "four day wait" I'm going to introduce a veggie. all the goods minus the avocados, pears (we worked them but refrigerated them b/c that's what she's eating now), and the bananas (not ripe enough)I'm not just being caddy...When Mom first put her up there I was trying to get her attention and she couldn't take her eyes of the yummies!

My helpers!

I know lots of people think she's awfully young for food already but she's a hungry monkey...she'd gone to eating 4 oz every 1 1/2 hours (but couldn't manage to get down 5) and so we started with the cereal and she's done wonderfully on it. I tried the homemade applesauce that I made this summer but the apples made her tummy hurt, but the pears have gone wonderfully!

If anyone wants to know how we worked something up let me know! My kitchen smelled like good home-cooking all day!


Anonymous said...

Thats an impressive amount of food. You were right, very pretty colors!

Shonya said...

Great job--very impressive! You go, SUPERMOM! :)

Anonymous said...

I wish I could have been there for that. I really missed spending time with my girls all week.

Bree Shaw said...

you are a super mom! looks like you will be in business for awhile! and who cares what her age is, every baby is different. so people are just to anal on when their kids eat what! go with your gut:)

Andrea Frederick said...

what a pretty menu to choose from and think of how good your going to be at stain removal now!