Mercy on me, my baby didn't sleep last night. And by didn't sleep I mean we'd put her to sleep, lay her down, she'd sleep 30 minutes and then she'd be up fussing. Hungry? Nope. Wet? Nope. Gassy? Didn't seem to be. Mama's conclusion? Teething. Yep, gums are a little swollen this morning. How many teeth is she supposed to get in the near future? Mama can't do sleepless nights. I finally dozed off in the chair with her at about 2 am for a very satisfying 4 hours of sleep (yeah, that was sarcasm). I think it's worse when you have a great sleeper and they regress all of the sudden.
So spill it...what were your sure-fire, get you through the teething stage secrets? I'll be waiting....
And mercy on all of you who had babies who didn't sleep night after night after night...I'm saying an extra blessing on you today because THIS IS FOR THE BIRDS (or the owls...don't they like to be up at night?).
extra calcium and hylands #2 calc phos 6x
it helped me to remember everything is a season and won't last forever!!
I agree with Bree, a little Tylenol before bed. Does the trick every time. Hang in there.
I gave Lydia tylenol and baby oragel before bed. She would never use those teether toys that you put in the fridge. She'd just chew on her pacifier. The nipple, guard, handle, or whatever part she could get ahold of. During that time I didn't care if she had her pacifier all day. It did the trick. She was a pretty good teether though. Poor little girl never got one tooth at a time either. They came 2 or 3 at a time. All she has left are the 2 year teeth so I'm almost out of the woods. Good luck!!
I would do tylenol and oragel. My babies weren't bad teethers I can't really give much advice. Good luck!
Patience. I stil attribute mystery ailments to teething. I'm not sure how long it takes to get all there teeth but I'm ready to be done. Tylenol would probably work, but we are never thinking that far ahead. I've heard Baby orajel is bad for baby's but I can't remember why. (Helpful, I know) I hope Natalee sleeps better tonight.
Heck...just rub whiskey on her gums!
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