Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Mike is off...I won second place at BUNCO...Natalee is snoozing away.
Must get to the dishwasher, the carpets, and the shower before bed...but first a picture for Daddy of his favorite girls...
We love you, Daddy! Have a safe, fun trip!


Cindy said...

Jenn, I love the pic! Definately a keeper your daughter is!

Andrea Frederick said...

Awww...what a cornily cute picture!

Bree Shaw said...

ahhh, so cute! isn't technology great? so nice that you can post pictures and he can see them everyday!

Corin said...

Love the hat. Why didn't you wear that to bunco.

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

corin--it was in my purse but i forgot to get it out :(

Anonymous said...

That hat is out of hand lol