Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Today Corin wishes you happiness...I wish you that, too (thanks, Corin!). She wanted to make you smile with a super cute video of her sweet boy laughing, but she couldn't get it to upload. But mine did...I FINALLY caught my baby girl laughing on camera. Even a squeal tucked in there somewheres! The thing I'm shaking in her face?...that's her foot with a bootie rattle on it. Isn't she just the cutest? Did she make you laugh, chuckle, smile at least? I hope she made you happy...she makes us happy everyday!


Anonymous said...

ROFL we (lizzie faith and i) LOVED this!!! LOL were those snorts!!! LOL so funny!!!!!

Andrea Frederick said...

very cute... i think she likes it when people rough her up!

Anonymous said...

That did indeed make me smile, ... a lot.

Bree Shaw said...

so sweet. it made me smile! i just love when they start laughing:)

Shonya said...

She has the BIGGEST most beautiful smile! Just can't help smiling back!